Friday, July 30, 2010

hide those wires - prettily!

A sneaky tipster also alerted me to a very cool blog, on which I found an article that is VERY relevant to me right now as I move into my new house! It's about ways to hide your ugly computer/tv/electronic wires; OR, at the least, make them prettier. Oh, I have fallen deeply in love with these leaf ties. And the birdy ties. How awesome! I am SO ordering these as soon as I'm done blogging. Actually wait no, I'm doing it right now because I can't wait! There. Ordered. Anyway, I wanna turn my wires into vines like these and I shall, you just wait and see. I love the round routers too, but can't figure out how to order them as the site is all in Japanese...hmph. Alas, Bloomers, you would not believe how happy all this cord-hiding makes me feel.

{pic 1 from via unpluggd; pic 2 from iida via unpluggd; pic 3 from PA Design via unpluggd; pic 4 is Shunsuke Umiyama's Midori AC Adaptor from iida via unpluggd}

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